When I heard mime troupe, my thoughts immediately went to a group of quintessentially black and white striped t-shirted, white face painted, Marcel Marceau looking individuals silently gesticulating while being trapped in an invisible cube. But my interest was piqued when my Media Studies teacher said the San Francisco Mime Troupe was anything but...
ASR in San Francisco
Read about my whereabouts in one of the most amazing cities in the West Coast.
Why conceptual art matters
Last week I went to see an exhibition at the City Gallery. It was a collection of works by contemporary painters, photographers and conceptual artists. In many ways I found it inspiring and in others not so much. Let me guide you through the exhibition from my point of view.
5 useful minimalism tips
When I first started with painting, I tried to capture every little object in great detail and fit it into a landscape that was already filled. When I saw these paintings later, I realized that a viewer probably didn't know what to concentrate on first. Discovering minimalism has really helped me with that and here are five tips that may help you as well.
About me
Hello there! My name is Ana Sofia Rodriguez. Welcome to my small space in the internet biosphere.
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